During this year's Summer NAMM show, Gibson/Epiphone announced the new Epiphone ES-339, which is modeled after the Gibson version of the same guitar. As you may know if you follow my Twitter feed, I've been looking for a small-bodied semi-hollow guitar for a while. I've been looking at the Gibson ES-339, but I couldn't justify the price. This Epiphone may suit my needs very … [Read more...]
Eric Johnson 2009 NAMM Fender Video
The winter NAMM show was a little over a week ago, and some great videos are coming out from the show. Rich Murray over at The Guitar Channel has rounded up quite a few good ones. Thanks to Rich, one of the best I've seen so far is this one of Eric Johnson playing his new signature Stratocaster, featuring a bound Rosewood neck, which looks great. In my opinion, the neck binding … [Read more...]