Julian Tan of Guitar Pug recently listed several guitar-related applications that have been created for the iPhone. Having recently purchased an iPhone, I’ve been looking for some cool apps to throw on it, and Julian’s list is a nice round-up of the ones I’ve found. Julian’s list includes:
Guitar Toolkit – This seems to be the most popular guitar-related app on the iPhone so far. It includes a tuner, a chord finder, a metronome, and tuning tones.
Band – An app by MooCowMusic, Band includes a collection of virtual instruments that you can use to create music. Instruments included are drums, piano, bass guitar, and guitar. Crowd noise is also included.
Pandora – Pandora is the iPhone version of the popular Pandora Radio streaming music service. This one looks particularly interesting to me.
Julian’s list also mentions a few other apps, so go check it out!
Hey great post… Yeah guitar toolkit is awesome; the tuner is very good; doesn’t replace a well trained ear but is still very good.
I just tried band on your recommendation and it’s also pretty good, everyone should give that a try… Well, if you have the iphone I mean…
Thanks for the plug and mention!
– GuitarPug.com