Purchase a FretQuiz License for the introductory price of $19!
Purchases are handled by PayPal. It’s quick and painless — only an email address and a credit card number are required. You do not need to have a PayPal account. Orders are processed and the license key is delivered by e-mail within 24 hours.
Premium Email Support
In most cases we’ll respond within 24 hours!
One License – Install On Multiple Computers!
You can install FretQuiz on up to two computers. For example, you can purchase one license and install it on both a desktop and a laptop computer that you own.
If you have any questions about FretQuiz before buying a license, please don’t hesitate to contact us. We’ll be happy to answer any questions you have.
RISK FREE! If you change your mind or are unhappy with FretQuiz for any reason, we can refund your money.